On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 13:27:02 GMT, John H. Schneider II
Post by John H. Schneider IITHE campaign begins in the Celadon Forest, just west of Woodwych.
Jayson, the pc, is heading west, believing himself to be on the world
of Krynn, just east of Solace.
Boy will he be surprised ;-)
Jayson traveled west, running headlong into a huge bandit camp - and
was quickly captured. After a meeting with the bandit leaders, he was
released without knowing the real reason why.
The next morning he encountered a group of elves, but they ignored
him. Later in the day he encountered them again - only this time they
met and spoke. A plan formed. He would be used by the elves to lure
out the bandits, and then the bandits would be defeated. He didn't
like this plan because he had more knowledge about the bandits true
strength than the elves did, but he had no choice.
Everything happened exactly as both the elves and the bandits had
planned - with Jayson caught in the middle.
The elves took heavy casualties, and were on the verge of being
wiped out when Jayson - being ignored because they were concentrating
so much on each other - engaged the bandit leaders. This proved the
turning point, and with his help, the bandits were easily routed.
From there, and with the aid of a small amount of dust of
invisibility, Jayson let an attack on the bandit main camp, and
brought their surrender after a fierce battle. In response to his
heroism, the elves made for him a suit of elven chainmail, and sent
him on the short route to the town of Nellix in the Duchy of Urnst.
Once in Nellix, he rented a room at an inn, and contacted the
College of Sages and Sorcery to arrange the casting of a spell that
would send him to Krynn.
The spell didn't exactly work...